Last week I joined the Easy Reinvention Lab - what a boost of forward-looking perspective 😊.
MOST OF US DON’T LIKE CHANGE, but everything around us is changing and will continue to change. We have found ourselves in a constant loop of adapting, reinventing, and re-perfecting. The more determined we are to push for a certainty the more disappointed we can end up. So. we need to remember that clarity means also what we decide to keep and what we say no to.
We should learn to lead the change from another perspective and ask ourselves - DO WE HAVE ENOUGH FLEXIBILITY TO ACHIEVE THOSE GOALS? The change starts with us.
The change starts with us. To accelerate the pace of change and improve our odds with implementation and become better, the following takeaways stuck with me:
The importance of being clear where we are going.
Having a structure helps, but we need to remain flexible about how we are getting there.
Having singular goals is as important as working against the range, as nobody can accomplish everything.
We should not forget to celebrate along the way.
Nadya Zhexebayeva said it beautifully “When we embrace the change, we earn the right to choose who we want to be.” What a powerful message, 😊