Fostering “always-on” development requires engines of change that generate change from within.

Management doesn’t have all the answers and needs to accept the fact that new views and ideas, come from all over the organization. Thinking together can put us on the path to solving complex problems and sparking innovative thinking.
To move forward we have to think differently about something we think we know. We need to approach challenges differently to broaden our horizons. We need to look up, look out, and look forward.
🔔 Realize - Where we are today?
🔔 Visualize and imagine - Where do we want to be? Who do we want to be? Who can help us? Whom can we help?
🔔 Actualize - we need a game plan and be prepared for continuous learning and personal development. Prepare ourselves to be present and open to the change we want to see, the change we want to be.
But change is not a solo act - we need to find trusted people who know us, people to guide us. Build our advisory board, surround ourselves with people outside our field of work, and talk to each other about what is new, what are they seeing, experiencing, talking about, …to expand our perceptions. Try it out and you will be surprised how caught up we get in our thinking that limits us.